
The Shrubbloggers 

Justin M. Stoddard

Places I Go

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The Correspondence of Eric D. Dixon & Justin M. Stoddard
December 9, 2003 — 8:00 pm

Eric and I talked about this when he was out here. Having nothing else to write about, I thought I’d give it a whirl…

Eric and I used to write many, many letters to each other. These weren’t your typical Shelby Foote, Percy Walker types of correspondence. No, these were most often insanely long ramblings with juxtaposed notes and doodles in the margins. Comments like “Time shift two weeks” often showed up right in the middle of many paragraphs. (Time shift two weeks literally meant two weeks had passed since the punctuation of the last sentence was jotted down and the “T” of “Time” was written).

The jumps only added to the overall quirkiness of our letters. These letters were truly great. I loved getting and sending them. Eric had an art of writing in the most disjointedly obtuse, yet prolific way possible. That’s why when Eric professes that he is indeed not a prolific writer, I know he is full of crap. If only he would write some blog entries using the same style.

Ok, so, I picked out a totally random letter from my files to post here. I tried to get ahold of Eric this evening to see if he would mind. However, after reading said letter, I can see no reason why he would object. Maybe I’ll make a habit of this…

November 12, 1993 (Guess who’s B-Day it is? Neil Young’s…)

Hey Man,
I know something about opening windows and doors. I know how to move quietly…creep across creaky wood floors. I know where to find precious things in all your cupboards and drawers. Slipping the clippers…slipping the clippers through the telephone wires. A sense of isolation…a sense of isolation inspires me. I like to feel the suspense – I’m certain you know I am there. I like you lying awake…your panting breath charging the air. I like the touch and the smell of all the pretty dresses you wear. Intruder’s happy in the dark. Intruder come…intruder come in here and leave it’s mark. I am intruder. (“Intruder” by Peter Gabriel)

Man, I wish I had written that. I just listened to Primus singing it (on the Misc. Debris EP). Anyway, some other great lyrics written by !!us!! are included. don’t lose ’em this time, man. They’re valuable. Are you still living with that jerk, who had the computer, who ripped off the last copies? I hope he didn’t rip them off that’d suck if he tried to use them.

Well, I’ve included $15 to cover postage of the CDs and tapes to Travers. I’ve also included a list of everything of mine that you have in that regard, so ship those & if you want to get rid of any other cumbersome tapes or CDs, feel free to include them. I won’t mind a bit.

Man, I got some more music done for “Shrubwalkers!” It doesn’t sound too shabby. Feel free to add lines in the 2 places indicated. Those are really the only 2 places you could break in with something else. Man, I can just imagine our vocalist forgetting all the lyrics to “Frogs Without Tongues.” We’d have to have she/he holding lyrics sheets in concert. Which actually wouldn’t be too bad of a thing. You’re going to love my currently untitled song. I’ve got some great piano stuff done & some decent lyrics to go along with it so far. I’m just having trouble finishing it.

So, what’s Julie’s address? If I’m going to write her about the concert & hear back from her before I get home, I need to get it as soon as possible. It’ll be great to see Primus in concert again. Such a wonderful band. Have you ever heard of Stu Hamm? One of the few gods of bass guitar.

Did you see Letterman the week Captain Stubing (Gavin McCloud) was in the audience every night? They’d have a Love Boat-related TOP 10 entry, & he’d go crazy laughing at it. It was great.

Man, start playing that electric geetar & get good at it. You’ve gotta at least play good rhythm (bar chords too). I have a vision of how the band can be – you can do it, man. I’m telling you, it’s going to be incredible.

Well, I’ve gotta go. It’s getting late.

Take care & have a day ——–

Eric D. Dixon
“Your Thanksgiving Turkey”

Good old Eric.


— Justin M. StoddardComments (0)

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