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Justin M. Stoddard

Places I Go

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Stated Goals
May 23, 2012 — 1:38 pm

I have too much stuff.

In particular, I have too much stuff going on in my head.

Well, maybe that’s not right. Perhaps I have just the right amount of stuff going on up there and I’ve been thus far unable to organize it. Perhaps upon a well thought out organization, I will discover that I have far too little going on up there.*

But, for now (pre-reorganization), the stuff I do have going on up there is often contrary and mutually exclusive. I find I’m unable to turn most thoughts into actions when those actions would interfere with other actions.

In short, I’m saying I’m really, really bad at things like prioritization and following through.

It has always been thus.

I’m hoping to work on that now as I have a list of goals I would like to accomplish before year’s end.

To that end, I’m experimenting with self-motivational techniques. I think one way to prod myself into accomplishing my stated goals is to blog about them as I work through them. Combined with other techniques (to include heavy list making and note taking), I’m hoping this will give me the traction I need to cross the finish line.

So, I expect there will be a great deal more posting by myself on these pages.

Here are some of my goals for this year. I’m keeping one or two of my goals to myself, as even writing them down would provide way too much pressure to succeed. They may be overly ambitious, but only time will tell. If I get them accomplished, I’ll write about it.

  • Complete my 2012 Reading list (which will feed into larger goals).
  • Run a half marathon.
  • Increase my skills in Chinese.
  • Write 4 posts for The Lesson Applied.
  • Start another blog I’ve been thinking about related to parental advice for my daughters.
  • Self publish a photo book.
  • Practice the guitar at least 2 hours per week.
  • Take two college level math courses.
  • Finish on massive blog post for Shrubbloggers (which has been languishing for nearly two years).
  • Make a walking stick.
  • Get the 3×3 Rubik’s Cube solved in less than a minute.

Some of these things don’t make much sense, but I have a reason for all of them, which I also hope to express in upcoming posts.

*I find it strange that I wrote “going on up there” when referring to the thoughts in my head. It’s as if I’m disambiguating myself somehow. It would be much more correct to say “going on in here,” I think.

Or would it?

— Justin M. StoddardComments (2)

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  1. […] This post is part of my stated goals mentioned here. […]

    Pingback by The Shrubbloggers » The Reivers — May 26, 2012 @ 9:20 pm

  2. […] This post is part of my stated goals mentioned here. […]

    Pingback by The Shrubbloggers » Relearning Chinese — May 27, 2012 @ 2:01 pm

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