
The Shrubbloggers 

Justin M. Stoddard

Places I Go

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January 3, 2010 — 3:34 pm

From the book, Diana F+, More True Tales & Short Stories:

The Diana loves the little things. It loves breakfast, your dog, your boyfriend or girlfriend, that crazy hat in the window, the unbelievable morning traffic, those gummed up salt shakers, a blazing afternoon sun, your nose when it’s all close-up an blurry, the shoes that you didn’t buy, and your hamburger-champion uncle. It’s lightweight body feels good next to yours, and it doesn’t bog you down with a lot of weight…

I got one of these beauties about a month ago, but haven’t tried it out, yet. I can’t wait.

In the meantime, there’s always the Diana Gallary.

— Justin M. StoddardComments (1)

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1 Comment
  1. Before I clicked one of those links for more information, it sounded like you might have purchased a blow-up doll…

    Comment by Eric D. Dixon — January 3, 2010 @ 8:48 pm

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