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Justin M. Stoddard

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When Prayer is too Personal
June 25, 2009 — 9:05 pm

By now most of the world knows of both Farrah Fawcett’s and Michael Jackson’s demise. Of course, I didn’t know either of them, though I knew of them in varying degrees. My fascination with both wore off many, many years ago. Somewhere between 6th grade and my Freshman year in high school.

I can clearly predict that there will be unceasing media coverage of both deaths/family reactions/public reaction/interment/memorials, ad infinitum. I can also clearly predict that (other than what I see online) I will not be participating.

It’s what I’ve been seeing online so far that bemuses me. Comment after comment after comment saying: “Michael Jackson and his family are in my prayers”.

Wouldn’t a simple, “Michael Jackson, R.I.P.” suffice? What does it really mean to “be in someone’s prayers”? Don’t get me wrong; if, God forbid, something happened to a family member of mine and a close friend/relative assured me that I was in their prayers, well, I would be thankful, my lack of faith not withstanding.

But, we’re not close friends or family members of either Michael or Farrah. We’re vastly more emotionally detached. We don’t have to fumble for awkward words to say to the bereaved. And, quite frankly, they’re not listening anyway. We can simply say, “Wow, I’ll miss that they’re not around”.

So, really, piling on one after the other, saying “you’re in my prayers”; well, isn’t that just a tad narcissistic and assuming? Isn’t it just a bit too…personal?

I’m just saying….

— Justin M. StoddardComments (3)

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  1. “I will not be participating.”

    Dude, you just participated! That totally counts as “public reaction”…

    Comment by Eric D. Dixon — June 25, 2009 @ 10:49 pm

  2. I said I would not participate in the media spectacle. Which, really, won’t be hard since I don’t watch TV.

    Comment by Justin M. Stoddard — June 26, 2009 @ 6:35 am

  3. I call shenanigans.

    Comment by Eric D. Dixon — June 29, 2009 @ 12:51 am

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