Via Tom Knapp, Rad Geek completely owns Vin Suprynowicz on the issue of “illegal” immigration. (Scroll down to the comments)
As Tom says on his site:
Yo, libertarians: Put down the Hoppe / Brimelow / Wooldridge crack pipe. Please. You’re embarrassing yourselves, and frankly this business of having to constantly roll your semi-conscious carcasses out of your own ideological vomit is getting a little old.
I paid very close attention to Vin Suprynowitcz before his anti-immigration shtick began a few years ago. I have no idea how a person like that reasons himself into such an untenable position. Like Tom says, he should know better.
Rad Geek breaks everything down over at his place.
[…] border-creep libertarians. And while I’ll thank him for the support, I can’t agree with Justin M. Stoddard (2009-06-18) that I completely owned Vin Suprynowicz. Inalienability, you […]
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