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Justin M. Stoddard

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Change You Can Believe In
June 1, 2009 — 9:37 pm


Obama’s support for the new Graham-Lieberman secrecy law.

The White House is actively supporting a new bill jointly sponsored by Sens. Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman — called The Detainee Photographic Records Protection Act of 2009 — that literally has no purpose other than to allow the government to suppress any “photograph taken between September 11, 2001 and January 22, 2009 relating to the treatment of individuals engaged, captured, or detained after September 11, 2001, by the Armed Forces of the United States in operations outside of the United States.” As long as the Defense Secretary certifies — with no review possible — that disclosure would “endanger” American citizens or our troops, then the photographs can be suppressed even if FOIA requires disclosure. The certification lasts 3 years and can be renewed indefinitely. The Senate passed the bill as an amendment last week.

Start explaining yourselves, Democrats. Where’s the outrage?

— Justin M. StoddardComments (1)

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1 Comment
  1. But the right guy is in charge now. It’s OK if *he* screws everybody over.

    Comment by Eric D. Dixon — June 2, 2009 @ 2:32 am

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