Apart from ending the past two blog post titles with an exclamation point, my little brain has been hard at work trying to figure out just what I should be doing with my free time.
I came up with an idea about a week ago and have been fastidiously working to make it a reality. I’ve always liked receiving and sending out mix-tapes. Really, I’ve discovered most of the music I enjoy that way. However, since the tape medium is all but obsolete, it’s been awhile since one has hit my mailbox.
To jump-start the old musical neurons, I’ve decided to begin work on an ambitious mix-tape project of my own. Perhaps ironically, actual audio tape will not be used in this endeavor. I’ve been toying with the idea of sending out this music via USB flash drives…but that is one of many ideas.
More of that later. Perhaps I should explain the project in more detail before I start talking about distribution, no?
The idea is to have 20 categories (20 different “mix-tapes”) that will include 20 songs each for a total of 400 songs/arrangements. The caveats are as follows:
-No repeat bands
-No repeated songs
-Performers can be repeated provided that they are in different bands.
Some of the categories I’ve come up with so far:
-Jazzfest Mayhem
-Jazz Mayhem
-Blues Mayhem
-Bluegrass Mayhem
-Rockabilly Mayhem
-Chick Led Bands of the 90’s Mayhem
-Female Vocalist (Any Era) Mayhem
-Country Mayhem
-Kid Mayhem
-Motown Mayhem
-Hip Hop Mayhem
-Instrumental Mayhem
-Japanese Mayhem
-St. Louis Mayhem (Music from the local St. Louis scene)
-Funk Mayhem
-Misc Mayhem
-Classical Mayhem
That leaves me three categories to fill out. But, I’m still thinking on it.
Progress so far: 168 songs, for a total of 10.6 hours of listening.
Suggestions are always welcome.
I’d suggest “Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem Mayhem,” but that would violate your no-band-duplication rule…
Comment by Eric D. Dixon — May 25, 2009 @ 8:24 pm
[…] finished six of my mixed tapes, but I thought I’d start with this one as it’s my favorite so far. I’ll be […]
Pingback by The Shrubbloggers » Misc. Mayhem! — June 5, 2009 @ 7:56 pm