Apparently, this question was put to Mrs. Malkin last night. “If the United States went to war with the Philippines would you support internment?”
To which she replied:
“If 19 short Filipino women crashed planes into buildings screaming the Hail Mary, then yes, I would.”
Not only did that statement garner some raucous applause from the audience, it also belied her previous statements on the matter. From her own mouth:
“Make no mistake: I am not advocating rounding up all Arabs or Muslims and tossing them into camps. But when we are under attack, ‘racial profiling’-or more precisely, threat profiling-is wholly justified.
Well, which is it? If Mrs. Malkin supports the internment of all Arabs and Arab-Americans, as her statement from last night certainly implies, why doesn’t she have the intestinal fortitude to come out and say so. Why all the pussy-footing around?