The Shrubbloggers



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Miss Me?
June 26, 2004 — 11:58 pm

Of course you didn’t.

I’ve been amazingly busy lately, which is an old, tired excuse . . . but more true than usual. Dealing with closing down the DC office, looking for a new job, going on vacation to Utah for a week and a half (and having limited Internet access and laptop problems while there), getting a bunch of freelance stuff done before pending deadlines, deciding whether to stay in DC, move back to Portland (as I’ve long wanted to do), or move to some as-yet-unconsidered locale, etc.

I’ve failed to post for two entire calendar weeks, which hasn’t happened before. Surprisingly, this space remains unoccupied by satirical doppelgangers that tend to crop up during long absences. I’m sure there’ll be something before long, though — those empty spaces in the archives are like a vacuum just waiting to suck in some half-hearted attempt at humor . . .

— Eric D. DixonComments (0)

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Eric D. Dixon

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