
The Shrubbloggers 

Justin M. Stoddard

Places I Go

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Yeah, Me Too…
December 20, 2003 — 12:00 pm

Yeah, I guess I better post something too. I was doing really good for awhile there. I mean, I posted something every freaking day. Now, with the impending holidays, it is difficult to post something once a week!

I’m going to see Return of the King later on today with my good friend Sean. Eric claims it is possibly the “best movie of the year”. Well, we shall see.

A couple of albums that are currently in heavy rotation in my CD player:

  • Elephant by The White Stripes
  • Tenacious D by Tenacious D
  • Rock N’ Roll Animal by Lou Reed

    I’m hoping to take on a rather large project while Tiffany and the kids are away for two weeks, frolicking in the sun at Disneyland. I want to write a one or two sentence review for every movie I’ve seen this year. Maybe I’ll start on that tomorrow.


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