I would think that this would make even the most strident “tough on crime” person cringe just a little.
6-year-old could face charges as adult for shooting
Cole County Circuit Judge Pat Joyce today said a 6-year-old Cole County boy suspected of killing his grandfather could be charged as an adult.
Although the state’s minimum age for adult certification is 12, there are exceptions to the law in cases of first-degree murder, second-degree murder and first-degree assault.
The 6-year-old allegedly shot and killed James Zbinden, 59, on Friday. The shooting happened at Zbinden’s residence, 2215 Ridge Rd.
Honestly, why do we even have distinctions between children and adults anymore? The whole damn system has been turned on its head. People of voting age are not deemed responsible enough enjoy their “adulthood” until they are 21. And now, children as young as SIX may be deemed responsible enough to be tried in a court of law as an adult. SIX YEARS OLD!
Any sane person in this country knows that a six year old is barely responsible for his/her own actions, especially if they suffer from mental illness (as is the case here). So tell me, even if they are only “considering” this ploy, just what are the prosecutors getting out of this?