Well, I’m just about to finish up day number 6 of the Atkins diet. I gotta say, I’m doing pretty good. I’ve already shed about 8 pounds (imagine the weight of one gallon of milk) from my body. My dress pants are starting to fit again, though still a little tight around the waist. My diet has consisted of any number of meat products (pork loin, bratwurst, hamburger patties, sausage, chicken, bacon) and other foods including eggs and cheese.
The first couple of days were pretty rough. I didn’t really realize how much carbohydrates and pure sugar I consumed every day. My body kind of revolted for a few days when it figured out what I was doing. Since then, my blood sugar has leveled out and I don’t feel groggy or tired any more. In fact, I feel like I actually have more energy.
I’ve also combined the exercise regimen from Body for Life . I’ve been kind of sore the past few days but, that too will pass.
My good friend Greg, who is also on the diet, turned me onto some great sugarless candy. For example, Hershey’s has some great sugar free candy like Hershey bars and Reese’s Peanut butter cups. I’m telling you, you can’t tell the difference. So, when I have a sweet tooth, I just pop a couple of those and am feeling pretty much guilt free.
So far, Atkins is working out pretty well for me. I’ve read some of the criticisms but am not overly concerned at this point. These reports seem to be aimed at very long term exposure to the diet. I actually plan on switching over to the Body for Life plan after a month of Atkins. I do feel better about myself not eating a ton of candy drinking numerous cans of soda every day. I believe, in the end, everything will even itself out.