
The Shrubbloggers 

Justin M. Stoddard

Places I Go

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Goodnight Ladies…
October 27, 2003 — 7:00 pm

For months now, my wife has had a fairly difficult time putting our youngest daughter to sleep. I have it easy. I just get Jordan a glass of milk, tuck her into bed and go to my computer while Tiffany struggles with Zoe downstairs. And I mean struggle. Zoe wants no part of this “night night” time crap. She wiggles, cries, screams, runs around, yaps, talks, laughs, giggles…in sort, she does everything but sleep. So, out of frustration, Tiffany informed me that putting Zoe, as well as Jordan, to bed would now be my responsibility.

So, after tucking Jordan in, Zoe and I head into my office where she falls asleep mere minutes later. Tiffany is amazed. Harmony is returned to the household. But, how do I do it? Simple:

I sit Zoe down on my lap, turn off the lights and minutes later the sweet, sweet sounds of Bela’s Banjo are lulling her into a deep sleep.

…savage breast and all that…


— Justin M. StoddardComments (0)

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